Molten Soccer No. 5 Adult No. 4 Student Training Match Wear-Resistant 3200 Soccer Official

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Molten Moten
Applicable gender:
Color classification:
New 3200 Upgrade (No. 5 Ball) Diamond Blue New 3200 Upgrade (No. 5 Ball) Diamond Red New 3200 Upgrade (No. 5 Ball) Diamond Yellow (Classic 3200 Black & White Series) No. 5 Football New 3200 Upgrade (No. 4 Ball) Diamond Blue New 3200 Upgrade (No. 4 Ball) Diamond Red New 3200 Upgrade (No. 4 Ball) Diamond Yellow (Classic 3200 Black & White) No. 4 Football
Football size:
No. 5 Ball (regular 11-a-side)
Soccer stitching:
Hand-stitched soccer balls
Time to market:
Fall 2016
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Same model in the mall (sold online and offline)
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