Imported laser machine focusing lens 18 19 20 zinc selenide 12 engraving engraving machine accessories CO2 lens

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Imported zinc selenide
Color classification:
D12 F38.1 D12 F50.8 (commonly used) D18 F38.1 D18 F50.8 (common) D18 F63.5 D18 F76.2 D18 F101.6 D19.05 F38.1 D19.05 F50.8 (common) D19.05 F63.5 D19.05 F76.2 D19.05 F101.6 D19.05 F127 D20 F38.1 D20 F50.8 (commonly used) D20 F63.5 (commonly used). D20 F76.2 D20 F101.6 D20 F127 Other specifications (consult customer service) Equipment door repair and debugging Consult customer service
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