(Classic) MaxMara women's clothing Rialto classic coat 1016061906-Taobao

  • Original Price:5062.81
  • Unit Price:$4556.73
  • Wholesale Price:
    Quantity Price (Per lot)
    1 - 3
    4 - 6
    7 - 10
    11 - 15
  • Item#:648929036843
  • Location:China
  • Selected:loading
  • Quantity: (69135 available)
  • Total price:
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The brand:
Max Mara
The applicable age:
At the age of 30-34
Size of the size.:
34 34 36 38 38 40 42 44 44
pattern of the pattern:
It's pure color.
The collar.:
Not even the hat.
Color classification of the color:
The red black hump of the red.
The sleeve type:
other of the other
The cargo number.:
The year of the listing year:
In the fall of 2021
The length of the cuff:
The long sleeves are the
The length of the dress:
The middle and long section of the
Type of Sales Channel:
The mall is in the same section (both sold under the online line)
Material composition of the material:
The locke is 100% and it is 100%
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